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Is it Expensive to Adopt a Child in Texas?

picture of parents who didn't find it expensive to adopt a child

We constantly see stories on the news and social media about how many babies out there need a good home. Adoption seems to be an easy solution for a lot of people, right? Not so fast. Adoption may be an amazing solution for families who can’t have their own children. However, it can also be…

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Can You Adopt a Child if You’ve Filed Bankruptcy in Texas?

person learns that his adoption is affected by the fact that he filed bankruptcy

If you and your spouse are unable to have a child of your own, you may have considered adoption. It has probably crossed your mind many times over the years. You may think that adoption is too expensive an option. Or, you fear that you and your family don’t qualify to adopt a baby since…

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Is it Easy to Complete a Step-Parent Adoption in Abilene, Texas?

mother with her child after completing a step-parent adoption

If you’re interested in complete a step-parent adoption, you should contact an adoption attorney in Abilene. They can help walk you through the process. They understand the laws in Texas and know how to process works. Having an attorney can make the difference between having your adoption approved and having it denied. If you remarry…

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What are the Challenges to LGBT International Adoptions?

the challenges of lgbt international adoptions | lgbt adoption attorney

Up until recently, it was hard for LGBT couples or individuals to adopt in the United States. The biggest reason for this had nothing to do with being LGBT. It had to do with the fact that most adoption decisions were based on someone’s marital status. This means that, until Texas legalized same-sex marriage in…

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How Did the Law Regarding Same-Sex Adoption Change in the U.S.?

how did the law regarding same sex adoption change in the u.s.?

For the longest time, same-sex couples weren’t able to adopt children in this country. If a LGBT person was lucky, they could adopt a child on their own and then raise the child with their partner. But to do this, they had to deny their sexual orientation. Adoption agencies would never approve an adoption for…

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Can LGBT Couples Become Foster Parents in Texas?

foster parent process for lgbt couples in texas | lgbt adoption lawyer

There are so many kids in the foster kid system, there aren’t enough parents to take them in. Texas has a big problem with this. There is a huge backlog of kids who are in need of a safe and loving home. Yet, there are hundreds of LGBT couples desperately looking to love a child.…

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